Whether you are new or have been with us for years, there is a next step for you to take.
Take your first steps with us.
Sunday Morning Gathering
On Sunday mornings we gather at 10:00am to be shaped by the Gospel. We do that as we hear the Scriptures preached, worship through singing, partake in the ordinances, and fellowship with one another.
Nursery (0-2 years)
While we welcome all kids during our Sunday morning gathering, our nursery is a safe place for parents to send kids for a time of fun during the service.
Vine Sprouts (3-5 years)
While kids are welcome to stay for the entire Sunday morning gathering, we do provide a time for our Vine Sprouts to learn about Jesus, sing songs, and have fun during the sermon. Vine Sprouts are dismissed to their class after the third song of the service. Sprouts also meet on Sunday nights from 5:30-7:30
Vine Kids (K-5th Grade)
Vine Kids exists to build a foundation for a life of faith in the kids of The Vine. They meet on Sunday nights from 5:30pm to 7:30pm to spend time in the Scriptures, sing, and have fun together.
Vine Students (6th-12th Grade)
Vine Students exists to see students invest their lives for the sake of the gospel because they believe that Jesus is better. They meet on Sunday nights from 5:30pm to 7:30pm to spend time in the Scriptures, worship through song (led by fellow students), process life, and have fun together.
Core Nights
A new ministry we are excited about is our Core Nights. Two Sundays a month from 5:30pm to 7:30pm, our adults will gather to eat and discuss the book Knowing God by JI Packer, which dives into the core truths of the Christian faith. A nursery and Vine Sprouts will be provided.
Take your next steps with us.
Vine Tables
Vine Tables are where small groups gather together in homes or on-site at The Vine to share a meal, apply the Sunday sermon, talk about life, and pray together. If you are interested in joining a Table, please email us at info@vinefellowship.com
Sunday Lunch Groups
Sunday Lunch Groups are a great opportunity for both first-time guests and long-time members to get to know one another. Each month, participants are randomly assigned to a Lunch Group to eat together after the Sunday gathering.
Men’s Breakfast
On the first Saturday of every month our men gather to eat breakfast, spend time in the Scriptures, and pray together.
Women’s Breakfast
On the third Saturday of every month our women gather to eat breakfast, spend time in the Scriptures, and pray together.
Serve Sampson
Serve Sampson is the service and mission arm of our church. Throughout the year we participate in various projects and opportunities to serve our community and beyond.
Become a part of the family.
We practice believers baptism by immersion. If you are interested in talking about baptism, please email us at info@vinefellowship.com
At The Vine, we practice covenant membership. If you are interested in taking the next step in membership, please email us at info@vinefellowship.com